Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Wisdom Teeth Removal=v.a.c.a.t.i.o.n.

So I'm 31 and just now having my wisdom teeth removed. Don't judge. I'm also a huge procrastinator. If you didn't get that by the first sentence I wrote.

Anyway, here I am...about six hours post op and feeling pretty good. But here's why I'm so damn excited about having my gums split open: three days of no housework (cause it says I can't), soft foods (which means ice cream and pudding without feeling guilty), and three days off work. And don't forget about the hydrocodone. Cause that stuff rocks my socks off. And my wonderful boyfriend is taking care of me and the baby...which he does already...so that's not anything new. He's so damn good.

So yeah peeps...three days of relaxation because the post op paperwork says I have to. Hell yeah.

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