Friday, February 10, 2012

Unconditional Love

There are times in your life when you are forced to a dead stop. Emotionally. Tonight I came across a blog while browsing Pinterest, and it did exactly that. Its difficult to even put into words what just happened...but as I saw this picture of a mother with her little boy...her beautiful little boy that was covered in blisters and scabs, I knew I had to go further and find out what this picture meant.
Courtney and Tripp Roth live in Louisiana, and Tripp has been battling "EB" a genetic skin disease that causes him to blister and bleed with any kind of touch.

Just imagine not ever getting to truly hold your baby, or play with him, squeeze and kiss him, cuddle with him and feel his warmth against your body. This incredible, courageous young mother fought with her son for 2 years and 8 months before Tripp's little body finally decided to let go. Reading this story, and looking at the pictures of his short 2 years on this earth, brought me to sobs of tears. As a mother, to watch your child go through such pain is unthinkable. But you connect with her on a level you never knew before, because of their struggle, but also because of their unyielding unconditional love for one another.

I urge you to visit Courtney's blog, see her incredible journey that she still is just starting on, since her son's death just 3 weeks ago. This has been a wake up call for me to stop...just slow down. Put all my bullshit into perspective, and hug my son harder and longer than I ever have before. There are magnificent women and mothers in this world. Let's celebrate Courtney and her son's life.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. This story is truly touching. And to think I found it on my mother's birthday. :) Thank you very much for posting it. I'm following your blog by the way. Hope you follow mine as well. :)
