Tuesday, February 7, 2012

First Foot Forward...

My first post! I can't tell you how excited I am to be a blogger...! As if I need one more thing on my plate, this blog has become my newest baby and I'm thrilled to introduce it to everyone.  I was inspired several weeks (or months) ago by some of my family and friends to start this blog, and hopefully connect more women together through all of our similarities and differences. Many things in my life have brought me to this moment, and I am humbled to be able to share it with you, in hopes that I can share, connect and inspire.

I am a mother first and most everything else comes second. I, like most of you, have many balls to juggle and keep in the air and that can be very difficult and yet very rewarding.  I know that I am not the only one that feels that time slips away so quickly that you're left with a year behind you, and you're left wondering what you did with your time. Slowing things down is easier said than done, but my hope is that together, we can start to put ourselves first every once and a while, and start living a life that is meant to be joyful and abundant. Whether you are a mother of one or six, step mom or grandmother, I hope that this blog will be a spot for you to reflect, to be inspired, and to connect with others that are wanting and willing to have the same joy that you seek.

I am so excited to share my tips, advice, and inspirations with YOU! But most of all I am honored to be able to connect with you so that we all can learn and grow from one another. Meditating while multi-tasking...its something we do on a daily basis and I am ready to share my not-so-perfect self with all of you. 

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for this new venture you started! But I am more excited that I get to be part of it. So thank you my love! I know that this will be a great thing for a lot of women, to find inspiration and know that they are not alone. Love you more than life!

    -Rah Rah
