Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Getting my (eh hem) stuff together...

                                                        Organizing Made Fun

I really hate cleaning everything in one day. I'm pretty sure we all do. (Well, we all would if we were forced to wear that outfit in that picture...) Its really not the best taking one of my days off to clean like a crazy person so I can get it done, wear myself out, then not have any energy for the rest of the day (or next day).

So I was thrilled when I came across this blog that goes into how putting a little extra each day will take care of having to save everything for one day. Granted it doesn't take care of deep cleaning, but it does take care of the awesome task of cleaning the bathrooms, vacuuming everyone's hair off the floor, and all those other fun jobs we moms do.

Okay so here's the hard part: actually doing it. You know, not listening to that little voice that says, "Come on man-you've been busting your butt since 5:30am...(because now its 8pm and you just got done with dinner, cleaning the kitchen, getting baths done and reading books before bed)...just sit and watch another episode of Modern Family. It's so relaxing."

My new routine will start next week. Because I only start things on Mondays. Its a quirk. Whatever. I'm going to follow the chart and see where it gets me. What do you guys do that gets your house clean and kept clean, without putting on your sexy cleaning sweat pants/capris/cut off things with your hair in a scrunchie (I didn't stutter), and your tank top with no bra...??? Please don't tell me I'm the only that wears that.

I'll report back on what my findings are. Hopefully it means I get to spend an entire day off with my family and not feeling guilty because I'm not cleaning. Because its already clean. Ha! The blog I found is actually really cool, so I suggest checking it out, along with the cleaning schedule.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Why Pinterest Rock My Socks Off...

Like most of you, I got sucked into Pinterest a few months ago because someone cool that I know posted something cool from their board on Facebook and I clicked on it. And then angels started to sing, and there were rainbows and kittens with yarn. Whatev, it was pretty much a magical moment and it really has changed my life for the I'd thought I would share with you my thoughts on the whole "Pin it" extravaganza.

I genuinly feel more creative as I look through hundreds of pictures that other people have found and posted. I know this sounds borderline dumb ass, but really. I find one amazing pic that has this great idea about turning your Ikea bookshelves into what looks like built-ins. Hell-er! I never would have thought of that. But I have accepted the fact that other people are much more creative than me, and I'm fine with that. Don't know what to do this weekend with your boy-toy for date night? Never fear bitches! There's a pin for that!  

I like to tear up at sappy pictures. It makes me feel good. Moving on. 

 There is some seriously funny shit on Pinterest. I don't know where half this stuff comes from (even though there's a website attached to each pic, but you know what I mean), but it will make snot fly out of your nose. If you ever need a good laugh, or feel like your not the only mom that does some weird stuff...just type in "funny" to the search engine and you'll be blowin snot for hours.
p.s. if you don't find the below pic funny...there's something wrong with you. 

You will have every holiday covered for decorating and gift ideas from now through eternity. Seriously. Don't ever let me go to your house for Presidents Day and not have some paper mache` George Washington as a centerpiece. You will find it on Pinterest.

I'm really into vision boards and now I get to create as many as I want. I like vision boards..and they work for me. I got some really good stuff that I wanted doing vision boards. Money, clothes, know the really good spiritual stuff. But now I can create any board I want: new clothes, money, vacations...I guess some things don't change.

I like to pin things that I am for sure I will go back, look at and actually implement. But I never do. Well I take that back, I've found some really good recipes on there that I have tried. But that's really it. But I pin it damn it! And I have every intention to go and spend more time I don't have on looking at the things I want to do. Yeah right like this cake will ever happen:

I have found some really cool blogs that I follow now. I never did the whole blog thing until recently, and I didn't have a clue as to who did what or who to follow. You can find everything on pinterest...blogs, websites about blogs, blogs about websites. See what I mean below:

 I can't remember shit any more, so this helps me organize my super terrific thoughts and ideas into one place. For the time that I will eventually have to do all this super terrific stuff. It's pretty super terrific.

I'm kind of a fashion "mom jeans" kind of person. As in, I don't have a great sense of fashion, so I stick on one style because I think it looks good on me. I need others to tell me what to wear.  Pinterest helps me stay on top of my game with the rest of the cool girls.

Anyway, so as you can plainly see-this is the coolest shit you'll ever stumble upon. Tell your girlfriends. Tell your mom. And follow me on Pinterest so you can see all the cool crap I will stumble upon and share with all of you! Happy Pinning!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Bring it on Target!!

As you may have guessed, I was blessed yesterday with an opportunity to go to Target sans toddler. This is a rare experience for me, as it is for most of you.  I knew I had to write about it because I know I'm not the only one that skips down the aisles twirling my basket around me with my hands in the air when this opportunity arises. At least I hope I'm not. I'm pretty sure that other woman down the bath aisle was doing the same thing.

 Top Reasons why going to Target alone = a mini vacation

1. You get to see all the new stuff that new designer guy has out for summer.

2. You realize you have no idea who that new designer guy is so you're inspired to make time to get on the computer.

3. You can look at a piece of clothing for more than 10 seconds without saying, "What? What do you want? I just gave you your snack."

4. You can actually try on that piece of clothing. In a normal sized dressing room.

5. You realize half way through your trip you can actually walk the entire store this time. And you don't have to go down the toy aisle.

6. There is no small person grabbing every bottle of shampoo off the shelf and throwing it in your cart because you accidently parked them too close to the shelves.

7. What? I can try on shoes? By myself!

8. You can read labels. On anything. Anything you want.

9. You laugh at the mothers with the screaming children. Because for once it isn't you.

10. You feel like yourself again...just for a brief moment.