Saturday, March 3, 2012

Bring it on Target!!

As you may have guessed, I was blessed yesterday with an opportunity to go to Target sans toddler. This is a rare experience for me, as it is for most of you.  I knew I had to write about it because I know I'm not the only one that skips down the aisles twirling my basket around me with my hands in the air when this opportunity arises. At least I hope I'm not. I'm pretty sure that other woman down the bath aisle was doing the same thing.

 Top Reasons why going to Target alone = a mini vacation

1. You get to see all the new stuff that new designer guy has out for summer.

2. You realize you have no idea who that new designer guy is so you're inspired to make time to get on the computer.

3. You can look at a piece of clothing for more than 10 seconds without saying, "What? What do you want? I just gave you your snack."

4. You can actually try on that piece of clothing. In a normal sized dressing room.

5. You realize half way through your trip you can actually walk the entire store this time. And you don't have to go down the toy aisle.

6. There is no small person grabbing every bottle of shampoo off the shelf and throwing it in your cart because you accidently parked them too close to the shelves.

7. What? I can try on shoes? By myself!

8. You can read labels. On anything. Anything you want.

9. You laugh at the mothers with the screaming children. Because for once it isn't you.

10. You feel like yourself again...just for a brief moment.

1 comment:

  1. i totally just got back from Target on my lunch break and it was out of this world amazing!!!! shopping in silence and getting to take my sweet time trying on a couple pairs of pants. 4 new pairs of work pants later and I feel like I could take on the weight of the world all thanks to 30 minutes alone in Target - it is the small things :)
