Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Getting my (eh hem) stuff together...

                                                        Organizing Made Fun

I really hate cleaning everything in one day. I'm pretty sure we all do. (Well, we all would if we were forced to wear that outfit in that picture...) Its really not the best taking one of my days off to clean like a crazy person so I can get it done, wear myself out, then not have any energy for the rest of the day (or next day).

So I was thrilled when I came across this blog that goes into how putting a little extra each day will take care of having to save everything for one day. Granted it doesn't take care of deep cleaning, but it does take care of the awesome task of cleaning the bathrooms, vacuuming everyone's hair off the floor, and all those other fun jobs we moms do.

Okay so here's the hard part: actually doing it. You know, not listening to that little voice that says, "Come on man-you've been busting your butt since 5:30am...(because now its 8pm and you just got done with dinner, cleaning the kitchen, getting baths done and reading books before bed)...just sit and watch another episode of Modern Family. It's so relaxing."

My new routine will start next week. Because I only start things on Mondays. Its a quirk. Whatever. I'm going to follow the chart and see where it gets me. What do you guys do that gets your house clean and kept clean, without putting on your sexy cleaning sweat pants/capris/cut off things with your hair in a scrunchie (I didn't stutter), and your tank top with no bra...??? Please don't tell me I'm the only that wears that.

I'll report back on what my findings are. Hopefully it means I get to spend an entire day off with my family and not feeling guilty because I'm not cleaning. Because its already clean. Ha! The blog I found is actually really cool, so I suggest checking it out, along with the cleaning schedule.

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