Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Let's talk about poop

Okay my poop. Well really yours too, so don't get too grossed out. Geez. See that's the problem...we women (well, there's some that are WAY too comfortable talking about their shit), we women for the most part don't discuss what we do, or don't do-do...hahahaha..sorry. But really, its an issue for most of us, and that's why we need to talk about it. So for those of you that never have any stomach issues...this isn't for you. Lucky bitch.

So for as long as I can remember I've had the worst stomach. I wouldn't go to the bathroom for days, or I would be in the middle of Target and have to hurdle babies in strollers and stay at home moms in tennis outfits just to get to the bathroom in the nick of time. It was painful, and nauseating and uncomfortable. And I got tired of it. I hated not knowing when one of those episodes would come, or if please God Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints just let me poop! But of course I never saw a doctor, and never really changed my diet. So go figure.

Fast forward 3 years later, and post baby-and here I am still fighting my stomach issues. So after a very painful Christmas/New Years week just a few months ago, I got on the web to see if what I had was in fact IBS. And, yes, if I was a self diagnosing expert, I would say that's exactly what I have. Fan-friggin-tastic. But when I traveled home to Dallas to see my family, my mom dropped this book in my hot little hands and my world changed forever. Thank you sweet baby Jesus.

So what I learned ladies is this....its all about how you combine your foods together when you eat. Some foods are highly acidic and cause more acid in your stomach, and others decrease the acid. So when you have a healthy balance happening in your stomach, the acids work together properly to make sure digestion is happening the way it should....NOT PAINFUL. Food combining is not anything new, but its new to me and its new to most of the women I bring this up to, which is why its so important to get the word out.

This isn't about you eliminating anything from your diet (well, I eliminated fast food and anything else greasy and fattening...I was a real bitch for a good week or so). Its just about what you put together. The minute I got home from being away I tried this for a week and everything well really well. If you get my drift. And then the second week came and the same thing. And then I ate brisket, with potato salad and macaroni and cheese...and at 1:30 in the morning I woke up with the worst gas pains ever. Damn. Check the book the next morning, and sure as hell...don't combine protein with carbs. Its been almost 8 weeks and things have been working swimmingly! Hell yeah bitches this thing works and its saved my life! I've told so many other women about this and I have others trying it out as well.

Let me give you some examples:

1. No protein with carb/starches (no steak and potatoes)
          -Instead do your protein with veggies (chicken and sauteed spinach,etc)
2. Eat fruit by itself. And give yourself an hour or two to digest before eating another food.
3. Cut out caffeine and DON'T drink it with food (as much as you can)
4. If you need to eat dessert, wait at least two hours after your meal to eat it. It doesn't digest properly mixed with other foods (especially protein) so it creates uncomfortable gas pains
5. Drink lots of water!! And no tea doesn't count. duh.

Here's a chart for further explanation:

TRY IT. Try it and just see..what do you have to lose? You may even drop a few pounds and that's a-mah-zing just by itself.  Increase your fiber to 30 grams a day, and drink lots of water. Follow the steps and watch how your body reacts. Its pretty friggin incredible, I'm not gonna lie. The hardest part is waiting a few hours after dinner to have dessert. But if that means that I'm not on the toilet while having a romantic night with my boyfriend, well then the dessert can kick it!

All of my IBS symptoms have been eliminated since starting this new way of eating. And if I don't follow it, my body reacts almost instantly. So I know its working. I can't tell you the stress that's been eliminated now that I know my body is functioning normally. 

Email me with any and all questions please!! You can find the food manual on for around $30, and she has a great recipe book for super cheap on abe books as well. I hope this helps...!

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