Saturday, May 19, 2012

Granola Mom #2...Vegetarian overnight

I made the choice to give up meat rather easily. But let me be honest-I thought I was going to have a really hard time making the switch. What was I going to eat??? Turns out, its nothing more than better planning and turning on the will power switch.

Let's get another thing straight-I am a lover of animals. I did not give up meat for them, however. I gave up meat for me...and my health. When I couldn't tell you where my meat was coming from, who knows what was being fed to them (and then passed on to me and my family), that's when I decided I need to make a change. I was only down to turkey and chicken, I had cut out everything else.

My first step was to meal plan for my next trip to the grocery store. That was when I literally planned every meal to be meat free. With my trusty big ass vegetarian cook book in hand, I went to work. Low and behold-you can put a lot of shit together and make it taste good. And you don't have to put in meat. Plus it cut out an extra dollar or two (or three or four) out of my grocery bill.

I made all my meals that I had planned, and I went meat free for two weeks. I did it.

So there I was after two weeks, and then another two weeks. Pretty soon it was a month and a half later, and the boy says to me, "Babe have you eaten  meat at all these last few weeks?" And there it was, I couldn't remember the last time I ate a meal with an animal as the main course. It was truly a freeing feeling. Because I did it. I stuck to it and kept with it and I didn't give in.

Making this decision was a very important one for me and my family. I am choosing to raise my son meat free. And the best part about this decision? My IBS has all but disappeared, I have more energy, I'm not wanting to nap on my desk every day at 2pm, and I just feel good. I know where my food is coming from, I know what it is made out of, and that my friends, feels damn good. I think that's called peace of mind.

So if you were looking for a miraculous answer to whether or not you should also choose to go meat free...I'm sorry I can't give you one. It was literally better planning, and a little bit of will power. It was one of the best decisions I've made in a very long time, and I urge you to try it. But do it for yourself and your own personal reasons. Because that is what I found gives you the greatest will power of're taking care of yourself. And that... is a damn good thing.

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