Sunday, May 13, 2012

Being a mom is hard. Its one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. It's not something I like to say out loud, but its the truth. There are days when I reminisce about the times I could up and leave to have dinner with my girlfriends, grab a drink, read a book all day or just lie in bed to whatever time I damned well pleased.

I have to plan a lot to do those things now. Sometimes weeks in advance. And I may not be able to do the things I used to "enjoy" doing quite as often. But then I think...get your head out of your ass.

You have a beautiful, healthy son that lights up when you walk into a room. He has the ability to throw his arms around you, grab your face and plant a sloppy kiss on your mouth. Run to you when he's sad and upset and you can console every last tear. You get to see him every day and smell his skin, feel his breath on your face when he sits to close to you when you read books, and listen to every first word he'll ever mutter.

You get to see him run and jump, get overly excited about swings at the park, and watch as he continues to grow even though you want so desperately for time to just slow down. You get to love him. Every minute of every day.

I have had the unfortunate experience this year of being witness to friends and acquaintances lose a child. I have cried gut wrenching tears for mothers that have had to say goodbye to their children.

Being a mother is hard. But it is not difficult in the sense that I can sometimes conjure it up to be. I have my son. You have your son and daughters. And for all the mothers that can not hug their babies today, I stand and applaud your strength. Because it is not about not being able to have dinner on a whim, or spend the day shopping. Its the precious time we have with our babies, and what we do with all of that time that is not always guaranteed.

So when my little boy climbed into bed with me very early this morning, snuggled up against me and fell back asleep, I was reminded once again what this life is all about: magical, unrelenting, passionate unconditional love.

To all my mother friends who put themselves second, or third or fourth...who sometimes forget about the amazing women they are because they are too busy cleaning up diapers, making dinners and washing clothes...balancing a career and a family, and those who just strive every day to be the most amazing mother to their family...I applaud you. You make me strong.

Because its in that one precious moment that we realize they are the reason we are here. They are our purpose.

Happy Mothers Day...


  1. Now I'm crying...thanks a lot!

    1. love you my dear friend :) thanks for reading..

  2. This is beautiful Jess! I feel everything that you described here and being a mother is the greatest of all the things in my life and thankfully I have you as one of my role models to show me how a true mother is. And the last thing you said really stuck with me, Gavin IS my purpose why I am here and breathing. It's the most amazing love I could EVER imagine. Love you to the moon!
